The VW Logo is Soon Set to Change

Sebastien Bell
by Sebastien Bell

Next to the Nike swoosh, the VW logo is one of the most recognizable logos out there. But VW wants to update it anyhow.

Although the logo has remained largely the same since the war, it has been tweaked over the years to keep up with trends, most recently in 2012. Introduced along with the Mk7 Golf, that logo made its lettering more silvery and three-dimensional.

Now, though, the brand wants to update the logo again to make it ready for VW’s upcoming flurry of electric cars.

VW says it will unveil the logo next year, just in time for the first vehicles in the all-electric I.D. range. Although they’re keeping details close to the chest, Jochen Sengpiehl, chief marketing officer, has said that it will be designed to look as good on a smartphone screen as it does on the front of a car.

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Sengpiehl sees the brand’s image as tarnished, not so much because of dieselgate but more so because of its too-German stiffness. The new logo, therefore, will be more fun and, apparently, more colorful, too.

“The big challenge is: How do we get people into the electric world,” said Sengpiehl. “We want people to have fun with us. We need to get more colorful.”

Updates won’t stop at the logo, though. Sengpiehl is also intent on updating the brand’s marketing. Gone are the days of “Lemon” when VW ruled the advertising world. So it’s accepting pitches for creative business in the coming months to make the brand look more fun and more appealing.

As with the VW brand as a whole, the move will consolidate business, dividing the brand into regions (China, North America, Europe, South America, rest of world).

“We’ve spend far too much money on paid media in the past, and we want to change that,” Sengpiehl told Germany’s Horizont.

Again, the idea is to make the brand more approachable and fun.

[Source: Automotive News]

A version of this story originally appeared on VW Vortex.

Sebastien Bell
Sebastien Bell

Sebastien is a roving reporter who covers Euros, domestics, and all things enthusiast. He has been writing about the automotive industry for four years and obsessed with it his whole life. He studied English at the Wilfrid Laurier University. Sebastien also edits for AutoGuide's sister sites VW Vortex, Fourtitude, Swedespeed, GM Inside News, All Ford Mustangs, and more.

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