McLaren P1 Revealed: Move Over Pudgy Veyron

Luke Vandezande
by Luke Vandezande

Like an orange pile of cocaine, the newest speed catalyst from supercar manufacturer McLaren was just released: the P1.

Set to unseat current icons like the Bugatti Veyron, McLaren’s successor to the legendary F1 is rumored to cost £800,000 and will get its in-person debut later this month during the Paris Motor Show. Specific details about the car are still unconfirmed, but the automaker says it has one goal for the wheeled weapon; being the best driver’s car in the world on both the street and track.

“Our aim is not necessarily to be the fastest in absolute top speed but to be the quickest and most rewarding series production road car on a circuit,” McLaren Automotive managing director Antony Sheriff said. “It is the true test of a supercar’s all round ability and a much more important technical statement. Our goal is to make the McLaren P1 the most exciting, most capable, most technologically advanced and most dynamically accomplished supercar ever made.”

Despite power specifications not being available, it’s already known that the car will harbor the same 3.8-liter V8 as it’s lesser 12C cousin, though with much more power. All that remains to be seen now is how it will actually stack up to other wildly priced supercars. Rumors suggest the car will offer 960 hp.

“The McLaren P1 will be the result of 50 years of racing and road car heritage,” McLaren Automotive executive chairman Ron Dennis said. “Twenty years ago we raised the supercar performance bar with the McLaren F1 and our goal with the McLaren P1 is to redefine it once again.”


Luke Vandezande
Luke Vandezande

Luke is an energetic automotive journalist who spends his time covering industry news and crawling the internet for the latest breaking story. When he isn't in the office, Luke can be found obsessively browsing used car listings, drinking scotch at his favorite bar and dreaming of what to drive next, though the list grows a lot faster than his bank account. He's always on <A title="@lukevandezande on Twitter" href="">Twitter</A> looking for a good car conversation. Find Luke on <A title="@lukevandezande on Twitter" href="">Twitter</A> and <A title="Luke on Google+" href="">Google+</A>.

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  • Asif_not Asif_not on Sep 21, 2012


  • Maryson Maryson on Sep 23, 2012

    So lets see, a narrow passenger compartment, a low chiseled front with some scoop arrangement(s) bulgy curves above the front wheels and a mechanical/transformer style rear end. Yawn God another fast car designed by a computer and given a shiny paint job, yaaawwnnnn. Yeah, it is probably a good car to drive and it definitely looks like a performance car But then they all do! They spend all that money designing a car, building a huge factory to assemble it and what do they produce? A car of todays style, a fashion car, a been done before style of car. It is a car that so special, so unique that the majority of todays road users will likely say something like; hay look, is that a Ferrari? (That is assuming they actually notice it enough to comment). What makes this one special? Electronics? There must be a shop somewhere selling cookie cutter type moulds for todays super-car builders. Yawn! In contrast, a couple of weeks ago I was in Italy (I know, poor me) and I saw a very wide Lamborghini Aventador on a dual carriage way style of road, wow. There was no mistaking that for anything other than what it is! But then, when all the talk ends, who cares, even if I had enough cash I wouldnt buy one of these McLarens, although, I would probably buy a Bugatti! But dont let that stop you buying one, and when you drive it people will look, you will get noticed. I am sure that if one of these cars drove along a street I was on, I would stop, I would look and like most people I would probably have a moment where I think Is that a Ferrari?
