Land Rover Gets In The Holiday Spirit With New Gift Ideas

Amy Tokic
by Amy Tokic

If you’re stuck on what to get the Land Rover enthusiast in your life, why not surprise them with a Land Rover Experience, an ice hat or a collapsible kettle? These are just a few of the new offerings at Land Rover Gear’s online shop.

One of the coolest ideas is the Land Rover Experience. These driving adventures are available in Great Britian and give the lucky recipient the thrill of driving off-road in a Land Rover. Choose from full or half day courses, or a night drive. Prices range from £195 ($305US) to £365 ($570US) for a full day’s drive.

Great for stocking stuffers, Land Rover also has a collapsible kettle for space-conscious campers, as well as a foldable dog bowl. If you’ve got a little money to burn, you can get the new Land Rover bicycle, with models available for all types of riders. And for the “greenie” on your list, you can wrap up a colorful rug made from recycled yarn.

Check out all the Land Rover holiday ideas at the Land Rover Gear online shop.

Amy Tokic
Amy Tokic

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