Maybach Killed By Mercedes-Benz; Pour Out A Bottle Of Moet For The Homie

Mercedes-Benz‘s Maybach luxury brand will be axed, much to the consternation of rappers (pictured above), athletes and insipid nouveau riche types everywhere.

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Kim Kardashian's Extravagant Wedding To Provide A Fleet Of Rolls-Royces, Maybachs

Kim Kardashian’s star-studded wedding will feature a fleet of white Rolls-Royce Phantom and Maybach 62 limousines, as befitting a celebrity wedding.

The Kardashians worked out a deal with Platinum Motorsports (which customizes vehicles for athletes and celebrities like David Beckham) to provide this sterling example of conspicuous consumption, which the company said was not a challenge. All the cars will be chauffer-driven, and will ferry guests around for optimal paparazzi exposure.

Plus, Kardashian insisted every vehicle be white… not matte black.

[Source: TMZ]

Curious about these Platinum Motorsports ballers? Check out the video after the jump:

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Maybach Adding 62 Guard Model to Protect Those That Need Protection

When some other manufacturers announce armored variants of their vehicles, we sometimes wonder why. When Maybach announces an armored variant of their 62 luxury sedan, we wonder what took them so long. The engineers over at Sindelfingen, Germany, equipped Maybach’s 62 with integrated safety systems to suit all the very important people that need protection while traveling in the ultimate luxury sedan.

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Maybach's Future In Jeopardy, Nouveau-Riche May Be Left Without A Vehicle

The ostentatious among us may be left without a chariot, as Mercedes-Benz is apparently mulling over a plan to kill the under-performing Maybach brand.

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